
Monday, March 4, 2013


Over the past few weeks I've been been relatively off the grid when it comes to social media. This comes as just as much (if not more!) of a shock to me as it may to you. I am usually glued to my phone, constantly on some app or another. I used to receive approximately 42137 alerts a day - between emails (work, personal, and blog), calendar appointments (work and personal), birthday reminders, text messages, facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, the list goes on! It drove Bo absolutely insane, because I would typically respond to each one almost immediately. And then I would end up perusing whatever app I got an alert from for the next 15 minutes. And then I'd get some other alert. I knew it was getting out of hand, but I just couldn't stop.

Well, that changed quite a bit when we left for our trip a few weeks ago. Every other time we've traveled internationally, we've gotten a data package on my phone - so I've never really been without it - but Bo really wanted the plan on his phone instead this time. So while we were gone, I only turned on my phone once or twice a day when we had free wi-fi. I disconnected my work email and didn't bother checking in with most other things while we were away. I did keep up with my gmail account - mostly to check up on Molly! and to keep up with a few plans over the upcoming weeks. Other than that, I kinda checked into a few apps here and there for the first day or two, but after that I just didn't really care to, and I figured I'd just start fresh with everything once we got back.

But...I haven't! And people have been asking where I am and where are all my pictures?! haha :) Honestly? I really haven't missed it, and I don't even know where to start, so I've stayed pretty unplugged even after we got back over a week ago. I decided to keep my work email disconnected from my phone - they don't pay for our phones so it's not required or expected anyway.  I haven't turned on any of my push alerts since we got back either. And it's been shockingly awesome. I am so much less distracted at work and at home, and though it comes as no surprise, I've realized that of all those alerts I am constantly checking?? 99% of them are nowhere close to being urgent or needing an immediate response. And all of that useless info I am reading after I check an alert? Well most of it I just don't even care about. So lately, I've only been checking apps when I think of it (or when I'm bored) and that's it. I don't wake up to a hundred junk emails and my phone isn't constantly beeping all day long. I love it. Who knows how long it will actually last. But for now I'm enjoying my phone being practically on silent mode.

Now don't get me wrong, I still love all the social media apps out there, I just like doing it on my own time and not when Siri tells me to do it now. Ha. And I do miss blogging! I haven't been intentionally avoiding my tiny corner of the internet - I just haven't had any time yet to go through the thousands of pictures I've taken recently in order to post anything. 2013 has been off to a crazy-insane-awesome start (how is it already March?!) - so don't worry, I'm still alive and kicking and hopefully I'll be back here soon :)


  1. Yes! I love this. I deleted facebook off my phone six months ago and don't miss it. I'm working hard to limit how much I'm on my phone this year (still working on those resolutions). It is such an easy time-suck.
    PS I have been wondering where you've been, so glad to know all is well. xoxo

    1. I am *thisclose* to deleting facebook and twitter from my phone but they are both blocked at work, so I still like to have them when I need a break. But other than that I'm not really spending much time on them - like you said, I'm especially noticing how much of a time-suck they were for me!

  2. the comic cracked me up!! i want to hear about your trip!!

    1. Ha! Gotta catch up on everything from before the trip and then I'll get on it! Hopefully won't be too long before I get through all the pics :)

  3. I'm proud of you for cutting back. We've tried the "no phones/tablets/computers in the bedroom" rule and it doesn't last long. It's so hard! Maybe our trip to Rome can be our kick start.

    PS - we need to get ready for our 5k in a little over a week. Saturday should finally be warm!

    1. I used to think it would be impossible. Rome might change your habits!! :)

      And YES let's get out there this Saturday, I'm long overdue for a run!

  4. SO HARD to pry myself away from my phone sometimes. I need to be better at it cause ya, none of it is urgent, heck I lived without a smart phone for the first 28 years of my life and got along just fine! You should try something when you go out to dinner with friends. Everyone put your phones in the middle of the table and the first person to grab their phone (unless really urgent like baby sitter calling) must pay for dinner. No facebook/instagram/twitter checking.

    1. So true- and now it's an automatic part of everyone's life! Ha.

      I am usually fine when I'm out to dinner or with other people, definitely take pictures but usually wait to post or check apps. Though I know plenty of people who I'd like to play that game with so they can put down their phones!! :)

  5. I think that is great!! I can't wait to see your trip photos, but I agree it is nice to be more unplugged :) I gave up online news sites until Easter, but I may keep it up after. (I was a little too obsessed)

    1. Ahh good luck, I'm sure that's a tough one!! Might be a little while before I get to those trip photos but hopefully over the next few weeks :) They'll be up here eventually!!


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