
Friday, May 24, 2013


We had a pretty low-key Easter this year. Usually we host dinner for about 20 people, but with the crazy hectic spring schedule we had, we decided to keep it small with just the original bro-Easter crew (plus me this time! and Dudley, Jen, and Lizzy - who all came late and missed the photo session).

Since it was such a small crew (I'm starting to sound like my grandma, who thinks any less than 20 guests is small!) :) and it was mostly guys, they refused to requested we not do an egg hunt (womp, womp), but wouldn't you know they actually wanted to dye and decorate Easter eggs. So they came over the day before for an egg party - though they were not very cooperative with pictures...

We had quite a feast as usual - somehow we ended up with just as much food for nine people as we do for twenty. All I got was a picture of our traditional turducken, but missed the paella and other non-traditional dishes even though I spent most of the day in the kitchen slaving over the stove...delicious as usual.

This was also the first group holiday meal where we all fit at one table. Everyone got to use the fancy china, and I brought out my grandma's linens for the occasion.

The guys' Easter eggs turned out very....interesting. Definitely not as pretty as the girls' eggs usually are ;)

And of course, the Easter bunny came! With all my favorite candies :)

Last year's feast:  East Sunday 2012

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so cute. I love that the men wanted to decorate eggs, and that you've kept the tradition of formal dress! So great.


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